Incoming Call - Web

Incoming Call - Web

Please note:
 The App needs to be logged on in order to be able to recieve incomming calls

When the call comes through a pop will show at the botton right of your screen with a loud ringer to arlet that there is an incomming call.

Once the call is accepted is going to show on your screen with a session running on it.

Once the call is answered it shows couple of buttons of which we can go through
      1. Mute Button - To mute the caller from hearing intenal convesation
      2. Keypad - To open the keyboard to dial a certain number
      3. Audio - To its for the sound in the call if you want to silence or loud speaker
      4. Hold - To put the client on hold
      5. Transfere - To transfere the call to either external or internal
      6. Add - To add another call this can be used for conference
      7. Notes - where you can save the notes for that specific call
      8. Record - Its for recording the calls of which are made on the daily bases
      9. Tag - is used to tag a call
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